Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Macbeth A Major Influence On The Topic Of Marxism

The play of Macbeth aspects plays a major influence on the topic of Marxism. Marxism acknowledges the numerous amount of power or authority oneself has. To point out the relation marxism has on the people within the play we all would first start by stating who had the most authority, and how it was use. Having the power to be in one’s hand changes the way one another act towards each other. To fully introduce marxism amongst the people in the story you would say the power is different amongst the main characters who are antagonized. The relations of power differ between Duncan, Lady Macbeth, Macbeth, and the Witches. In spite of the fact that Duncan was given numerous amount of power, he didn’t take advantage of the power as Lady Macbeth, Macbeth, and the Witches did. Macbeth who was known to be a great fighter, as the king of Scotland who was being brainwashed by the witches. He was first spotted out to be one of many people who was admired and did so many things that made people believe he was worth becoming a king. Macbeth started to resemble the second side of greediness for power from getting all the recognition and comments that he started to take it to precaution. The witches even acknowledge that he was getting a little to greedy for wanting power which easily let them brainwash him into wanting to go after power by any means necessary. Macbeth had a great close friend by the name of Duncan. Duncan who is the king has two sons Donalbain and Malcolm. Duncan had much

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